Love your Gouda cheese?

Why not sign-up for an automatic cheese order to make sure you never run out of your favourite sandwich topping.
We’ll do the remembering for you!

How does it work?
You tell us what gouda you’d like, the wheel size and the timing of your order …  then we’ll take care of the rest!

A few days before Marketplace Day (usually the 2nd Wednesday of the month), we’ll remind you of your upcoming order  – making sure you know when your next piece of delicious gouda will be ready for you!

Need to stop/pause your pre-order .. no problem! Call or send us a quick email with your request. Please remember to give us 2 weeks notice before your next pre-order is due. 

Simple and easy – join our pre-order club today!

** If you choose “Other” for Flavour, please indicate in the comment box below which Gouda you would like **

SKU: CHE01 Category: